Portland Audubon Sanctuary in the Rain

Leaf speckled Balch Creek

Leaf speckled Balch Creek

The rain is back, and I am a lazy hiker on rainy days.  Sunday I forced myself to get out of slug mode.  I have passed the Audubon Society of Portland’s wildlife sanctuary in the West Hills hundreds of times over the years. Strangely, I did not know until recently that the sanctuary had its own trail system.  Hello, McFly!  The sanctuary seemed a fine choice for a stroll on a rainy Sunday.  I was surprised to find plenty of other hikers.  Most were probably staying close to the Audubon buildings, but it is possible to walk a few miles on various trails spread over three tracts and 150 acres.  I wandered around a loop on the Jay Trail on the north side of Cornell Road.  The colors of foliage are always different on gray days, but it is easy to find tremendous beauty here.  I was glad I got myself motivated enough to visit in the rain.

About Josh Baker

"The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.” ― John Muir

Posted on October 28, 2015, in hiking, Outdoors, Photography, Weather, Wildlife conservation and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. One of our favorite local quick hike places! Glad you discovered it.

  2. I love that shot “looking down Balch Creek.”

  3. Thanks. The creek was very pretty even in the soft light. The colorful leaves added some spice to the view.

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